He is far from finished

I first started writing this blog, to be honest, as an outlet for what I was walking through. I’m so glad that I documented all of it, so I can go back and see the hand of God throughout my life and the way He is now answering my every prayer.

We’ve been going through so much lately, BUT GOD is still good all the time. To sum up what I’ve learned through all of it is that even in the bad times, God is still good and always faithful!!

I’ve learned the importance of putting myself first. To be healthy, in mind, body and spirit. We have to, to be able to shoulder all the things, and help carry the burdens of our friends, and loved ones.

I’ve shared in previous posts about walking through the valleys over the years. I was led to songs that brought me joy, but also the very words to pray over my situation(s).

Recently, I had to go back to one of the first songs and prayers that I prayed years ago in what I thought was the darkest of times.

But, when your kids hurt, it’s a whole different ballgame!! You just want to go punch someone in the nose for causing the pain. I actually just said that to one of my kids friends, who is suffering a first love heartache

I realize the purpose of the pain that I went through to be able to help especially the kids that God put in my path.

First love heartbreak may seem minor to them but to them it’s everything. I remember mine like it was yesterday!

I went back to the song, when the hurt and the healer collides. It’s a very comforting song & one that I prayed for a lot of years.

I’m starting a new chapter in life, now an empty nester, having fun with my friends, etc.

It’s a lot of fun, but there’s still a lot of quiet time to think (and pray) about all the things.

I don’t like the quietness. I’d rather stay as busy as I can to stay positive & pour into others. But, sometimes we have to let ourselves grieve and feel the pain so we can heal from it!

When you see your kids hurt, it stirs up anger, feelings and pain that you didn’t even know was there! BUT GOD is still in my story and yours too! He can bring healing and a peace that surpasses all understanding & most of all JOY. The joy of the Lord is my strength!!

Be encouraged today! Everything’s going to be alright! God’s the author and finisher of our faith and He is from finished!

Thank you for letting me share! If this was an encouragement to you, please share on your social media pages and help me spread the word!❤️


Seek ye First the Kingdom of God……You’ll be so glad that you did!!❤️

I’ve debated about what to write about in this blog post. As, we’ve went through some of the hardest times that life could bring our way.

But, all things truly do work together for good. I’ve seen healing take place. I’ve seen people start to change, I’ve seen people grow closer to the Lord and so many other things that words cannot even explain. My motto this summer has been, God is so good and always faithful!! I believe that with all of my heart, 💯 percent!

I’ve tried to learn from these things and make the improvements needed to become the best that I can be.

I mentioned this in my last post, but the most important thing that I’ve learned through what we’ve gone through this summer is, listening is a skill. So often, we’re all so busy, trying to get everything done , going 1,000,000 miles a minute, that we don’t really take the time to stop and listen to each other. I’m the world’s worst! At least, I used to be! But, when you truly do stop and listen, it makes all the difference!

Another thing that I’ve learned through these trials and tribulations is that we have to forgive ourselves for our past mistakes. God forgives us the first time we ask, but forgiving ourselves is the hardest part, unfortunately!!

Also, taking care of ourselves first is critical. We can’t be the moms, daughters, sisters, aunts, friends, etc. that we’re meant to be if we don’t have a healthy mind, body and spirit! I’ve become very intentional about the importance of all three!

Although we’ve went through some of the hardest times ever the past few months, it’s also been a time of seeing how specifically so many prayers have been answered.

If you’ve followed my blog, or went back and read my past entries, you’d see how it all lines up. I’m now living God’s answered prayers!

I’ve been completely healed, been able to close the doors that needed closed in past relationships. I’m truly happier than I’ve ever been, on the inside and out!

I truly have a peace that passes all understanding. I shouldn’t be joyful and feel so much freedom right in the middle of these tough times. But, I do! I have more joy, peace and freedom than I could ever describe!

I’ve learned that it isn’t about me, but who is within me. We have the authority and the power because of the Holy Spirit within us to declare and pray things in the Jesus’ name, Amen! To believe that God’s will be done, and to receive the blessings from our very prayers that God heard!!

I’ve often blogged about being just an average single mom of 4 kiddos, an educator with a heart for kiddos with special needs who makes mistakes every single day!! While all that’s true, it’s not about me as a person. But, it’s about God using me as a voice & a vessel. It’s true for all of you reading too!!

My prayer is that God would use all of us as a vessel and allow us to be a light in this dark world.

I love the scripture that says, “seek ye first the kingdom of God, and then all these things shall be added unto you!”

That’s my #1 hope and prayer for myself and all of you!


Have a great weekend!

If this blog post entry spoke to you in any way, please help me spread the word too. You can do this, just by sharing on your social media pages, please and thank you!

My hope & prayer is that my “God story” would reach the world!

Below are the stats from today where my “God Story” has been read & heard!

It’s amazing that God could use me, just an average, single mother of 4, now adult children. #God is so good and always faithful! I love Him so much and am so very thankful!!❤️

Also, it’s been very heavy on my heart to share about a wonderful organization called the Charity House in Indianapolis.

I’ve been a part of the Charity House’s vision since 2017. It’s amazing what God has done through it. It’s a drug rehabilitation live-Lin facility that helps men who’ve dealt with homelessness & addictions. They’re educated, taught about God’s never ending, unconditional love. Finally, they’re equipped to go back out into the world. They truly are becoming a bright light in the dark world.

Here’s a link to a video about the Charity house. Also, a flyer that helps as a way to give.

The 31st cavalry is a way for “ambassadors” to give $31 a month on the months with 31 days. A total of $217. Or, you could also just give a flat, one-time donation. There’s a QR code on the flyer that will take you to the right website for giving.

Another way to give, would be to donate a small amount for us to buy a purse as one of the winning prizes for our purse bingo night on September 21, 2023.

Or you could just buy a purse and donate it directly to me, to give to the Charity House, as well.


As always, thank you for letting me share!

With love in Christ,


“When I was just a little child, no higher than your knee…”

I saw a post on Facebook the other day that really resonated with me. It said why do we share about our favorite recipes, favorite restaurants, beauty tips etc., but are afraid to tell about our Jesus. That was a really good question that made me think.

I don’t know the answer to that post for other people. I do know that for myself, I’m not afraid to share about my experiences with my Jesus. The good, the bad and the ugly. That’s because all things work together for good. If you learn from those mistakes and failures, then you can do it better the next time, and even better the next time and so on. You can speak into someone’s life that has been where you once were, so they don’t make the same mistakes. That’s why older people have the wisdom that they do because of their life experiences. That’s why we should stop and listen to them. They know what they’re talking about. They’ve been there, done that!

But, the older generation can learn from the younger generation too. If we could all just stop, listen and learn from each other.

As a family, we’ve been walking through the lowest of valleys with the biggest mountains in front of us. Through it all though, I’ve had more peace, joy and felt more freedom than I ever have. It’s because of how big my God is. In Matthew 17:20, it says,


Don’t tell God how big your mountain is, tell the mountain how big your God is!

It’s also because I know whose child I am and I know His word is truth!!! He holds us in the palm of HIS hands! I learned in a recent bible study in Isaiah that He also has us etched in the palm of HIS hands.

Isaiah 49:16
“See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.”

There are so many more scriptures that come to mind, but I’m trying to keep this short! 😊

I had a very strong Christian foundation growing up! For that, I’m the most thankful! Just like the song says, “ On Christ the Solid rock I stand, all other is sinking sand…

There are a lot of other, more current songs with the same meaning, like “My feet are on the Rock’. The thing is though, they all have the same message. When we build our house on the Solid rock, just like the wise man in the elementary song, our houses will stand FIRM!!

My last post was about Easter and the spiritual meaning, but also the saying, “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming” for when go through life’s struggles. It reminded of something that my uncle shared with me and my son about Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. It doesn’t matter our skin colors, our denominations or which neighborhoods we live in. Jesus died for every single one of us! Like me and my uncle Gary, we may have a different way of sharing it, but ultimately, it’s the same story.

When I was in elementary, maybe preschool, I remember someone singing this song. I’ll post the link. Even in this preschool song, it talks about the shed blood of Jesus, the crown of thorns laid on His head, and now where He lives in Heaven. The last part of it talks about Christian’s that are afraid to tell. I don’t want to be a Christian afraid to tell, do you?


May we all stand on the truth of HIS word, let it be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, may we be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit through His word or worship! He’s already won our battles for us! May we stop and listen for HIS guidance and make the right choices to win them too! God wins everytime!!

Thanks for letting me share! Happy 4th!!

It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Coming

I’ve been thinking about this phrase a lot since Easter Sunday.

I’m not a spiritual guru, but I’d like to share what that this story means to me.

In the spiritual story, Friday was crucifixion day when bad things happened to Jesus on the cross, but 2 days later He arose from the grave and that’s why we celebrate Easter. During that time period. the Friday was a bad day because of the things that Jesus had to go endure on the cross, but today we call it Good Friday because all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who love God, to them who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

I haven’t been able to get the saying, it’s Friday but Sunday’s coming out of my mind since Easter. What I’ve realized is that in every day life we’re going to have our “Fridays” or be in the valley of life, but no matter how bad our “Friday’s”( valleys) are our “Sundays” are coming. If we hide God’s word in our heart like the Bible tells us to do, if we learn and grow from our past “Fridays” (valleys) and gain wisdom and knowledge, we can guide ourselves through our next “Friday”. In our “Fridays” we learn how important it is to not just “talk the talk”, but “walk the walk.” Meaning that we have to take all that we have learned and lead by example by applying it! All my life I’ve heard the phrase “A month of Sundays”. I have no idea what that literally means, but now to me, it has meaning. When we get through the “Fridays” (valleys), I know that it’s all going to be ok and the month of “Sundays” that we will have will be a glorious!

Some of what I’ve learned from my “Fridays” is

*God holds us in the palm of his Hands. Isaiah 49:46.

Not only does He hold us in the palm of His hands, he has our names etched in the palm of hands. Isaiah 49:16 I learned that from the Isaiah bible study! I knew I liked that name. I have a precious student named Isaiah that taught me a lot this week too 😊

16 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;

*Romans 8:28 that I shared above

*23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for though art with me; they rod and thy staff they comfort me. (Google what the rod and staff refer to in the Bible)

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

I shared a couple of posts ago about a song that really spoke to me when I was growing up. It was on a CD and I had to order a DVD player from Amazon hahaha but I was able to listen to it. I’ll try my best to put a link to it here. Just listen to the words and ignore the shaky video 🤣


The Bible is referred to as the living word of truth. That’s why we have to read and re-read it every single day because when a scripture helps on one day in certain situation, it’s for that situation, that day. On a a different day it could mean something else. Thinking about all of this led me back to a very special Easter on April 17th, 2022 when my son and I sat down at the kitchen table and had a really good God conversation. The more “spiritual people” would call it a

divine appointment. I posted about it on May 17th, 2022. When I went back and reread that post, it was exactly what I needed to hear to help me get through what I’m going through today.

The Bible also talks about the Armour of God, meaning symbolically, we should put on the Armour of God to fight our battles. The word of God is like a sword (of the spirit.) Jesus took my place on the cross, was buried, rose again and now sits at the right hand of the Father. He’s already fought my battles and won. If I follow Him, I’ll win them too.


The other pieces of God’s Armour are found in Ephesians 6:10-20

We also pray! As Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father, he also intercedes for us through the Holy Spirit!

My aunt shared the following scripture just this week….

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

God is good and so faithful through every situation!!!

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone reading. Thank for letting me share.

The God on the Mountain is still God in the valley part 2

I meant to continue my precious post sooner , but time got away from me. It’s been so heavy on my heart to write as the way that God has continued to answer my questions is amazing.

I shared the song from my childhood that I went back to and how the words spoke to me. Also, on my long drive I heard a current song that I had never really paid attention to the words. Some of the words say, no matter how I’m feeling, I still have a reason to praise. Isn’t that so true! No matter if things don’t work out from today on, I’m so blessed by the things that God’s done and the things he’s given me that I will always have a reason to praise. Similar song messages that spoke to me as a child are still speaking to me today. God is the same yesterday, today and forever


As I continued on my trip just listening to regular FM Christian radio, God continued to speak to me and answer all the questions that I’d been asking. At that time, I was listing to Air One radio (90.5) One of the radio host, Dan, was telling a story about how he was asked to do a podcast on a certain subject. He said while he was flattered to be asked to do it, he questioned why me? He said don’t we all ask why me about our selves at times.

Well, I can 💯 answer Dan’s question of why him. It’s because I needed to hear that very comment. I always question why me, what do I know, why am I called to do things etc. That very moment I realized that being used by God isn’t about us as human beings, if so it’d be an awful story. But, it’s all about being a vessel to share about what an amazing God we have and the things He’s done in us and through us to help others along their path. Maybe someone reading this needed to hear this very thing. We shouldn’t sell ourselves short, but have more faith in the mighty God we have within us.

This scripture immediately came to my mind,

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

I have no idea where He’ll send me or what it will bring, but that’s become my prayer recently and I am willing to do do whatever God has for me.

Dan continued on with a story about 2 people being assigned the same seat on an airplane. One of the passengers was adamant about staying in that particular seat (5A). They said ok but we had arranged for you a seat in first class (1A).

As he was sharing this story, he said, in life, why do we hold on so tightly to where we think we should be when what God has for us could be so much better?

That spoke to me so much because of the time of transition I’m in my own life. I’ve been a single mom of 4 kiddos for 12 years with my youngest going to college this fall. They were all active in sports with full social lives and that’s all I’ve ever known to do. I was their chauffeur. Their sporting events were my social life and we’d make our vacations around where they were playing at the time.

I’ve never questioned that God’s in control of my future, but shew I was really fretting over what’s to come and would rather hold on tightly to all I’ve every known. After hearing this illustration, it helped me see things in a different light. I don’t know what the future holds, it’ll all be new and different BUT GOD has something and/or someone better than I could even imagine. I just pray that I’ll remember this and stand on the truth of God’s word. Which is…

Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Ephesians 3:20

Knowing He is “the same yesterday and today and forever” reminds us that God was reliable in the past, we can trust Him today, and we can hold fast to the hope that is tomorrow.

After all,

‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. ‘” — Jeremiah 29:11.

May be all strengthen our faith and trust our mighty God to stand on the truth of His word .

Love you all. Thanks for letting me share!

The God on the Mountain is still God in the valley

As I’ve gone through the journey of life, there’ve been so many good and bad times. Times when you feel on “top of the world” and times when at your lowest.

Life’s brought some trying times for me lately. Nothing I could control, sickness, disappointment, sudden loss of a loved one, the transition of my last one going to college 😭, just to name a few.

I think, in life, if we apply what we’ve learned through hard times, then the next hard time won’t be as hard. Maybe we’d learn lessons from past experience, like to worry less because ultimately God’s in control, that all things work together for good…..” and things could turn out better than we ever expected. ( or asked or imagined.)

It amazes me the things that God’s puts in our paths that can speak so clearly. I saw a fb post that really stood out to me. I don’t know who shared it or the exact words. Something along the lines of- it’s not okay to question God, but it’s ok to have questions for God.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve really had to remind myself of that statement over and over again. I never questioned that God would get us through things or that He had a plan and purpose, but I did have a lot of ????’s. Finally, I resolved to leaning not on my own understanding…..

I’d learned things from my past experiences. Not to talk myself into a panic, to worry less; to know that everything will work out.

That’s why I blog. I love going back to remember all the good and bad times. He’s the same God that I’ve written about in previous posts on great days and still the same in the struggles. Even if I wasn’t feeling it, AND I really wasn’t feeling it!😉

Yesterday, I had a long drive to visit my son. God gave me the answers to the questions that I’d been asking over the last few weeeks through the radio. I’m 💯 not techy. I wasn’t listening to a church service or podcast on Bluetooth, it was just 2 hours of christian radio. When one channel got staticky, I was able to click right on another christian channel.

As I was singing along, I realized the lyrics fit beautifully with what I’d been experiencing & that God had already been whispering in my ear. The God on the Mountain is still the God in the valley….It was just one phrase from the song, “Graves into Gardens”.

Later, I tried to look up the song. I searched for the phrase, God on the mountain, it brought me to a song with that exact title.

Growing up, I loved hearing the Glovers sing at church and remember them singing this very song. I found an old recording of them. (I’m old & not tech savvy. I hope it works. Ha!)


I’m so thankful that God is still the same, no matter when or where we are….in the good days, the bad days, the good ole’ days and today! Up on the mountaintop or down in the valley.

There’s so much more to share about the things I learned on road trip. To be continued…….

Thanks for letting share!

“Recipe for An Amazing Woman”

I hope everyone’s doing well and enjoying this fall like weather! Fall is my favorite time of year!

My heart is so full and I just wanted to share about the goodness of God in my life! I recently blogged about my family and how blessed I am to have so many great people to model from. I sent a group text to my entire family and a few friends that are like family, sharing how much of a part of my God story that they have been. It’s amazing to look back and see the goodness of God and how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Just like the song, even when we don’t see it, He’s working,; even when we didn’t feel it, He’s working! He never stops working!


From the beginning of this blog, I’ve always said how amazed I am at the people that God puts in our path. Besides my family, I’ve been abundantly blessed to cross paths with so many amazing people. I really have my kiddos to thank for so many of those friendships through sports, spring break trips, school activities, their classmates etc. My coworkers, college friends, even those in His mysterious ways that I never would have crossed paths with otherwise He knew exactly who and what I needed in my life and I am so thankful!!

I’ve also been thinking about the spiritual mentors He put in my life that have poured into me! How blessed am I to have so many wonderful men and women that have helped shaped me!! I once heard a sermon about standing on the shoulders of giants. I’ve been blessed with some great ones!

Something that God’s put on my heart lately though is how important it is to apply the things I’ve learned. It made me think of a recipe and how when we try something someone else has made and if we like it, the first thing we do is ask for the recipe.

We can go home and make it. Our families will love it and it’ll be something we can add to our menus. For one night, it’ll solve the dreaded question of “What’ should I make for dinner?” We can add a little extra of this or that to make it fit our taste. Or, we can go home and put it in our drawers along with other things we never look at.

Just like in life, if we go home and apply it, then good things can come from it. If we just leave it in the drawer, it doesn’t do us any good!

Like the spiritual giant sermon, my prayer is to be an encourager and spiritually a light to those around me now and after me. I’ve learned a lot through life experiences & like the saying, “ He doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.”He’s been so good and faithful to equip me for this crazy life!

All the songs we sang and memory verses from growing up in church weren’t just words, but words of truth that now have meaning. The elementary song about obedience has been playing in my head. 🎶Obedience is the very best way to show that we believe,, doing exactly what the Lord commands, doing it happily, ACTION is the key, do it immediately, the JOY we will receive……🎶 Today was Charity Church’s 70th anniversary and I’m so thankful that I was led there as an adult. They taught me about discovering my spiritual gifts.. Not just to know them, but to grow, cultivate and use them for God. Here’s a link to discover yours https://giftstest.com/

They taught me about the power of the Holy Spirit within me, how we can take authority over things in our prayer life. To learn the word of God, as it truly is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. It’s the living word that comes to life in every situation. They taught me to pray the scriptures over my circumstances, as His Word will not return void. Most importantly, I really learned to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me. Through these things, God’s truly been a waymaker, miracle worker, a light in the darkness.

I bought some things from Collective goods. They’ve sold things since I’ve been working at the school, but this is the first time I’ve ever bought anything. . Today, as I was unpacking the measuring spoons that I bought, I came across this!

Start with Grace and honesty, Mix in pure humility, Add strength of character that rises above the stress of life’s surprises. Fold in personality, Toss with generosity, Pour in love from a heart that’s true, Yield: One terrific you!
The measure of an amazing Women~is the blessing she brings to others.

May we all learn to apply the things we learn from each other. To have faith, strength, generosity & honesty to become the amazing women (and men) that God intends for us to be!

Thanks for letting me share!

An Overcomer

I had a really tough conversation today where we just had to agree to disagree. It made me aware of some things that I wanted to clarify and share. This is my online “diary”. I began writing it because at the time, I was in a very dark place and found writing was good therapy. It’s also a good way for me to look back on my life, to remember the things I’ve done daily to get to a better place and see the difference over a time period from doing these things day in and day out

I’ve never claimed to be perfect and I confess , I sin every day, we all do! But, I truly do have a daily walk with The Lord. I try to know His Word and apply it, so I can be better today than I was yesterday. Verses have different meaning and come to life in a different way with every circumstance. Meaning that what I got out of a verse today, I could get something different out of it tomorrow, depending on the situation. That’s why it’s called The Living Word!

Do I always ✅ 💯 of the boxes? Absolutely not, but some days I check more than others. I’m a work in progress every single day and my ultimate goal is to become the best that I can be. There will be days that I fall short, but I’ll just get back up and keep trying!! I’m a strong believer in the power of prayer and have seen very specifically the results of it!

When I post these blogs, I’m not preaching to anyone! Really, the only reason I share these posts online is because it might just help someone that is going through what I went through. When I was going through my darkest times, just hearing someone say that “they’d been there” was the most comforting words to hear!

I keep this blog very vague out of respect, but there are no words to describe what being in a mentally, verbally. emotionally abusive relationship is like. It did things to every fiber of my being, to the core. It changed who I was and kept me from being the best version of myself. It took away my voice, my joy and my peace. It affected me in every area of my life that I didn’t see until I was out of it! It took me years to dig out from the old soil of life, shake it off and begin to stand on new, fresh solid ground!! These days, I’m figuratively standing on the mountaintop, but for years, I was in the deepest valley.

I’ve had good feedback from writing this blog and heard from others how they needed to hear what I wrote. I believe that God can work in us and through us even if we are not 💯 perfect. That was the agree to disagree topic from earlier today. Plus, it’s my online blog and respectfully, no one is forced to read it!

I was recently with an old group of friends. The same group that was there with me when I went through my divorce years ago,. Except this time, instead of being broken and in deep pain, I was full of joy, peace and lots of laughter. In my eyes that shows that I’m healed or at least healing!! And, I’ll have to say, it is the best feeling ever!

I’ve been divorced for 11 years now. Time does heal & change things. It definitely changed me. I’m a completely different person!!

For me, going through a divorce, was the most painful experience that I have ever had. I remember in those days how I daily, would cry out to God the words of this song, over and over and over again…..


it talks about the pain being so deep that you can hardly breath. It says please don’t let this go in vain.

I believe that time and that pain was not in vain. I learned from it, I grew from it and I applied what I learned to live my best life. At the same time being a sinner saved only by the grace of God!

Also, in my adult years, I was taught about the power of praying the scriptures. Along with the words of the song, I prayed this scripture over and over and over…

I wasn’t 💯 perfect when I was crying out these prayers, but the intention/belief in my heart was 💯. I’ve seen these very prayers answered!!

I think about the different phases of life and this particular phase lasted what seemed like forever. But, thank God that I was able dig out of that phase and move on into a new phase with a new song in my heart.

I’m not going to share every phase or new song, but if you scroll back you can read more about them.

When I was healed a little more, then this song became my new prayer. To be honest, I wasn’t 💯finished in the healing phase, but I was able to move on and see both phases of life coincide with each other. This was a good lesson for me because I used to think that I had to have it all together FIRST and then I’d see change happen. I began to realize that we definitely can’t change people and sometimes we can’t our circumstances. My new pray and song became that God would change me.


I had lunch with a good friend years ago and as we caught up on our lives, we got to laughing that we were just a pair of “hot messes” lol! I joked that I hoped God could work in us and through us anyway! I believe that He can and that He has. She shared her favorite song at the time and that became my prayer.


I won’t, but I could go on and on with songs and scriptures that I’ve prayed and I’ve seen become reality.

Life is tough for all is us and we all have our own battles. I’m just glad that through my life, whether I had it all together or not, I was able to be an over comer!! Plus, God is far from finished!


Thanks for letting me share!

“He’s still working on Me……continued

Once I got home from camp, I washed the clothes in my suitcase and put them right back in. I made a few notes to self that I need to work on. For example, drinking more water & in 100 degree weather, just wear the sleeveless shirt. Embrace those flabby arms for the moment. Toning them is on my list of things to accomplish., but I’ll probably just die with flabby arms, 😊

My son’s playing college baseball in NY & we were off to see him. The scenery & weather was beautiful and we had a blast making memories. I learned a lot about myself and my family.

Age sneaks up on you and changes everything, what seems like overnight! I’m still young, but this trip made me realize to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Again, words I’ve always heard that now those words have meaning. “My word” that I chose for 2022!is balance, for alot of different reasons & I’ve really seen it needed in my life lately. I hope to have a good balance as I age-like the fine wine from the beautiful NY vineyards and hopefully to do it gracefully.

Somehow, we got on the topic of love languages. If you haven’t read Gary Chapman’s 5 love languages book, I highly recommend. It’s so helpful in learning about how the people in our lives receive and/or give love. It really helps in building any type of relationship you’re in. Here’s a link to the quiz.


For receiving. acts of service is hands down my top. Adulting’s a lot of work and to have someone just change the lightbulbs or take out the trash makes my day!!! In giving love, I see all of them-touch (I’m a hugger), words of affirmation (I’m everyone’s biggest cheerleader), acts of service (I’ll help do anything). I really enjoyed the quality time we had on our trip. I already have my first Christmas gift bought just from noticing things my daughter likes. 😉 Spending time is the best way to get to know others and how they tick, their strengths/weaknesses, likes/dislikes. With my kids, it’s good to be aware of them, not to annoy them or to annoy them. It depends on the day and the mood I’m in which one I choose 😂

Parenting as your kids get older, can be so rewarding & challenging. We have to learn boundaries, have a good balance, show grace and learn to let them fly!!

My son plays college baseball now and I can’t talk to him in the dug out like I used to, the coaches preference. We made a deal that we could talk after the game once he got to a certain spot in the park on his way out to his car. Lol! It’s a good thing that I didn’t bring after game snacks and drinks like I did when he played little league. He would have been mortified 😂

My daughter’s an extreme germ-aphobic and very sensitive to any noise, like chewing or humming. It made me more mindful of those things, but I also found myself saying, “quit being ridiculous”Haha!

I know the things that’ve been instilled in my kids, the prayers & scriptures prayed over them and I know His word will not return void. Isaiah 55:11 ….so shall My word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: It shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. I also know…..For I know the plans(A) I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper(B) you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11.

In them, I see their faith being demonstrated through recently being baptized. I see them growing, seeking to be pleasing to the Lord and how to do so through His word and other inspirational books. Just like me though, they’re a work in progress. They might not make the same choices I would, listen to the same music or use the same “language” I do. But bruh, I also have to find the balance and have the grace to remember that I was their age once. That’s challenging, but bet!!, I’ll try! How’d I do kids?!? 🤷‍♀️

I also know to…..”Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22: 6. We all have our own free will and there’ll be things I can’t have a say over, but I can and do pray that my kids will always follow God’s will for their lives.

It’s always been super important to me to let them learn to fly ( in life)! That also means learning to navigate what that looks like. This world’s a crazy place. I want us to be informed, make wise decisions & caution, but not live in fear or hinder them from living their best life. My youngest graduates next year. I know I’ll be a basket case as he leaves the nest and learns to fly!

Not only do I want my kids to fly, I pray that they’ll soar! Isaiah 40:31. but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” This was our camp theme verse this year. If you were at camp with me, I know you just did the motions or at least thought them in your head.😊

Here were just a few tidbits from my vacation. I hope you all enjoyed reading. Love you all! Thanks for letting me share!

“He’s still working on Me”

I hope everyone’s having a great summer! I was just gone for a week, home for 4 days, gone again for 6 days. Shew! I had a great time, but there’s definitely no place like home!!

I’ve had a lot of “only God” things & living, learning & applying lately. Have you ever had those times when you just “get something” and looking back you realize how it was all pieced together? It’s the greatest thing ever, right? When we hear things when we’re little that are just words, but when we’re older, the words have meaning!!…coolest thing ever!!!

My parents worked in the youth group when we were little and my dad always had us sing, “He’s still working on Me” in front of the teens. My girls sang it too (once as a duet) at church. I added their cute picture with their video, as they were about this age when they sang it.


I’ve always LOVED church camp. First, as a camper, then as a counselor. My first year as a counselor was in the summer of ‘97. It was a life-changing, unforgettable experience. Then, I married in ‘98, had 4 kids within 6 years, divorced after 13 yrs and alot of life happened along the way too. I can’t tell you the times that I’ve thought back to that profound time and wished I could go back to that summer!

Last year, coincidentally, or what I call a “divine” hair apt. 😉I ran into an old friend who helps run the same camp at the same place I was a counselor in ‘97. Neatest thing ever!!!! “Only a God” thing. As I said, a lot of life had happened in those 23 years and I didn’t even know Supercamperific still existed. As we talked, I learned they needed counselors & I was overjoyed to volunteer! Last summer brought me back full circle to the same camp my counselor days began …..the best days ever!….”Only a God” thing!!

We’ve just had camp again this summer. We all re-connected from last year and made new lasting friendships with the new campers and staff from this year. We had so much fun & the connection you build with so many great people is amazing!

Sometimes I questioned though, why in the world the kids would want a 47- year old , chunky lady around. Haha! We probably all do that at times-what can I do?!? how can I help?!?

I’m not a Bible scholar. I know the stories of Adam & Eve, Noah & the Ark etc., but not the in- depth history of the Bible. Praying the scriptures and being a prayer warrior would be my strengths. In my darkest times, biblegateway.com, became my best friend. I’d search whatever I was feeling, look up the scriptures and pray them. The Bible does say….

Psalm 119:11King James Version

11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

It’s amazing how those words do become hidden and and can flow right out of your mouth when they’re needed.

God made a way for me to build good relationships with, minister to & pray with the campers about the tough things they each face as teenagers. Just to hear one of them say, “I needed to hear that” was enough of a reason to know why I was there (AND….I just answered my own question in writing this 😊). Thankful that His word is hidden in my heart & it could become alive to be a light unto our feet and a light until the path of a teenager.(mine and yours too)

I used to think that I & everything had to be perfect first and then…. But, I was reminded that God can use all of us right where we are-whoever we are, however we are, if we’re willing ! Thankfully though, He’s still working on me everyday.

It also gave meaning to what being the body of Christ really means. How we can all offer our own strengths & truly see how all things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose! Love you all!

To be continued….Can’t wait to share about my NY trip

Thanks for letting me share!

To be