Seek ye First the Kingdom of God……You’ll be so glad that you did!!❤️

I’ve debated about what to write about in this blog post. As, we’ve went through some of the hardest times that life could bring our way.

But, all things truly do work together for good. I’ve seen healing take place. I’ve seen people start to change, I’ve seen people grow closer to the Lord and so many other things that words cannot even explain. My motto this summer has been, God is so good and always faithful!! I believe that with all of my heart, 💯 percent!

I’ve tried to learn from these things and make the improvements needed to become the best that I can be.

I mentioned this in my last post, but the most important thing that I’ve learned through what we’ve gone through this summer is, listening is a skill. So often, we’re all so busy, trying to get everything done , going 1,000,000 miles a minute, that we don’t really take the time to stop and listen to each other. I’m the world’s worst! At least, I used to be! But, when you truly do stop and listen, it makes all the difference!

Another thing that I’ve learned through these trials and tribulations is that we have to forgive ourselves for our past mistakes. God forgives us the first time we ask, but forgiving ourselves is the hardest part, unfortunately!!

Also, taking care of ourselves first is critical. We can’t be the moms, daughters, sisters, aunts, friends, etc. that we’re meant to be if we don’t have a healthy mind, body and spirit! I’ve become very intentional about the importance of all three!

Although we’ve went through some of the hardest times ever the past few months, it’s also been a time of seeing how specifically so many prayers have been answered.

If you’ve followed my blog, or went back and read my past entries, you’d see how it all lines up. I’m now living God’s answered prayers!

I’ve been completely healed, been able to close the doors that needed closed in past relationships. I’m truly happier than I’ve ever been, on the inside and out!

I truly have a peace that passes all understanding. I shouldn’t be joyful and feel so much freedom right in the middle of these tough times. But, I do! I have more joy, peace and freedom than I could ever describe!

I’ve learned that it isn’t about me, but who is within me. We have the authority and the power because of the Holy Spirit within us to declare and pray things in the Jesus’ name, Amen! To believe that God’s will be done, and to receive the blessings from our very prayers that God heard!!

I’ve often blogged about being just an average single mom of 4 kiddos, an educator with a heart for kiddos with special needs who makes mistakes every single day!! While all that’s true, it’s not about me as a person. But, it’s about God using me as a voice & a vessel. It’s true for all of you reading too!!

My prayer is that God would use all of us as a vessel and allow us to be a light in this dark world.

I love the scripture that says, “seek ye first the kingdom of God, and then all these things shall be added unto you!”

That’s my #1 hope and prayer for myself and all of you!

Have a great weekend!

If this blog post entry spoke to you in any way, please help me spread the word too. You can do this, just by sharing on your social media pages, please and thank you!

My hope & prayer is that my “God story” would reach the world!

Below are the stats from today where my “God Story” has been read & heard!

It’s amazing that God could use me, just an average, single mother of 4, now adult children. #God is so good and always faithful! I love Him so much and am so very thankful!!❤️

Also, it’s been very heavy on my heart to share about a wonderful organization called the Charity House in Indianapolis.

I’ve been a part of the Charity House’s vision since 2017. It’s amazing what God has done through it. It’s a drug rehabilitation live-Lin facility that helps men who’ve dealt with homelessness & addictions. They’re educated, taught about God’s never ending, unconditional love. Finally, they’re equipped to go back out into the world. They truly are becoming a bright light in the dark world.

Here’s a link to a video about the Charity house. Also, a flyer that helps as a way to give.

The 31st cavalry is a way for “ambassadors” to give $31 a month on the months with 31 days. A total of $217. Or, you could also just give a flat, one-time donation. There’s a QR code on the flyer that will take you to the right website for giving.

Another way to give, would be to donate a small amount for us to buy a purse as one of the winning prizes for our purse bingo night on September 21, 2023.

Or you could just buy a purse and donate it directly to me, to give to the Charity House, as well.

As always, thank you for letting me share!

With love in Christ,


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